I am the work I love


i am the work i love. the constant digging. the contnuous shifting. the ongoing awakening.

i wake up every morning and i witness the change. of flames. in shape, colour and smell. different fromt he night before.

the dreams. they transformed my soul again.

during the day. those perceptions of multiple realities. my ees don’t see. my soul does.

the people. my eyes see bodies. my heart feels stories. my soul senses eternal souls. that pain of fragmentation. mirrors. shadows.

i see. i feel. i know. so, i love.

then they melt. they feel life. they entre a sacred space. they see the light. of their souls.

now the wonder. who am i? i am a story told by the ocean. i am a vibration emanated by by its waves. i am life rooted in the soil. and expanded throughout the skies.

i am everything that you are and nothing that you are not. i am you. love. if i stop my work my soul disappears and only my body remains.

i want to live so i continue my work. because that’s nurturing my soul. without this brutal and intense work there is no soul. no me. that’s why i am the work i love.

freedom of the soul

I have heart many times speaking about the definition of a real man or a real woman. A real woman is not she who submits her will to someone else’s opinion. A real woman is she who carries her truth kindly. She is a mother who cares, a woman who carries another life inside her. She is the roots and she has the strength of a tree. A real man is he who honours, admires, respects and loves all women, hence all human creation. His behaviour is a kind one. And he speaks words of wisdom, compassion, peace and love. A real man is the perfect balance of yin and yang…a totally integrated soul who cares and carries his truth kindly too. There is no seperation between a man and a woman. They are connected and they love each other no matter what the relationship is…a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, an auntie…etc. they are in complete union…when they are real, when they let themselves be spirit. Only then…they are dancing.

It is easy to just give a definition like that. What is not easy is, to understand what makes a man real and a woman real. Both a real woman and a real man were led by extraordinary examples during their childhood, namely parents who had either already gotten rid of their heavy baggage which was transmitted to them by their own parents, or they are those extraordinary souls who were born with a high level of awareness, and therefore capable of decoding and breaking away from any sort of conditioning – they were born critical thinkers. They know their values and why they are here, and they are courageous souls: they dream big and live like there is no tomorrow, simply because they know! They trust their heart and instinct or inner voice and they are able to preserve and aliment their positive, creative and inspirational vibrations within their energy field. They are the earthkeepers as they Shamans call them – namely those who came from the divine to spread the message of love. They intend to protect their souls because they know that it is there were the trees grow, the flowers blossom, the rivers flow, the sea nourishes the life it hosts and the earth dances with the sun and the moon. They know that their soul is the universe – and ought to be protected, nourished and loved.

It is very difficult for a person to carry realness when affected by fear rooted in their LEF (luminous energy field) which, as claimed before, originated by parents who struggled themselves with their external environment, and who therefore automatically transmitted those codes to their children. That is the reason why they cannot be authentic and real, because they lack the courage to be who they really are. Most people are attached to an idea of who they are which is only the reflection of what others believe about them. They do not know that they are not those beliefs. They are trapped in that viscious circle and live a life full of roles through which they satisfy others – not the essence of their soul which is burried so deeply that their consciousness is unable to raise and see the beauty inside.

I decided to write a few lines about this topic to rise awareness and sensibility about these realities. You may be a person who is struggling inside, or maybe you are going through a tough time with your kids. You are in that situation where you are confused and find it difficult to make a decision. You are unable to see clearly, and due to your vulnerability, you easily let a part of yourself die by submitting your will to someone else’s opinion. A person who always acts out fear and never does what she really feels – sometimes because your vision is obscured and you are unable to see what you really want. Hence, you believe that what you are doing is coherent to your values. Sometimes because you feel more comfortable doing what others do.

Life is a path where each one of us is a warrior, and you can decide today wether you want to be a peaceful warrior or a warrior of peace! There is a huge difference between those two warriors. The former lives life courageously and faces his deep wounds with compassion, kindness and love. The latter lives with fear and intends to fight all the obstacles she encounters duirng this path with anger, frustration and cowardness. This does not mean that the peaceful warrior never gets angry or frustrated. It only means that the former is aware of his anger and intends to understand it in order to accept it and transform it into strength. The latter justifies his anger and is too scared to face it. She is too scared to understand its roots. The plain truth is that peace is there if you choose to see it. It is not there if you decide to avoid it. You are responsibile for your life because you have got the power of choice. I know that for some souls life may result as a harder torment as compared to other souls. What I also know is that we can do it. Each one of us can start today and take her first step towards freedom. Freedom of the soul.

…cus “we are spiritual beings having a human experience” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin












asthanga – vinyasana yoga: detox body, mind and spirit from the inside out

ImageI am an active ashtanga – vinyasana yoga practisioner. Yoga is another gift which has been given to me by God. Yoga is part of my life. It is part of my day – like sleeping, eating and brushing my teeth. Of course, there are days when I do not practise. On those days my body tells me: stop stretching me. And yoga teaches me to listen to my body. Yoga teaches me many things which are all inside of me and which I myself need to discover through my practice. My practice is different every day. Sometimes I am more flexible. Sometimes I am more balanced. Sometimes I can’t be bothered and I totally lose focus and start gazing around instead of listening to my breath. And here is the most significant aspect of yoga: THE BREATH! It is not about the poses. it is not about how flexible you are. It is not about how strong you are. It is only about how good you are at focusing on the breath. When you focus on the breath, everything else follows: movements and focus. That is when you are balanced and flexible. Even though, the level of flexibility in certain areas does not really depend on your focus or type of body. It depends on your emotions: fear, trust, self-esteem etc. I myself am less flexible in my hips and I know it is connected to trust issues. i need to let go and surrender. It comes from the inside out. Once I acknowledge the matter, I need to loosen up and let go of my fear…that is when my hips will automatically open up. Everything is so connected.

The breath is our focus, as stated before. It sounds easy, but it is an art. Simply because we are made of body, mind and spirit and yoga is not only a body practice, or a mind practice, or a spirit practice. NO! It is a body, mind, spirit practice. It is a holistic practice. You tone your muscles, you strengthen your body, you become more flexible, you cleanse your body and you clear your mind FROM THE INSIDE OUT – through the breath. Not through a pole which you are lifting yourself up to “get strong muscles” at the gym, not from sit-ups or push-ups which ONLY strengthen your muscles. Nothing of all that. It all starts from the breath which is inside of you. The breath is your tool. Your pole. It is pretty amazing what you can do with your breath. In ashtanga yoga we use a special way of breathing which consists of contracting the throat muscles and therefore breathing through the nose from the back of your throat (ujjai breath). The louder the breath, the more you can focus on it. And the more you are able to still your mind. The slower and longer both inhalation and exhalation, the deeper you get into the pose. It is almost like a trance. You totally disappear from the world and you enter your soul. Your inside. The only existing world for us human beings. The world where all our secrets lie. The world which we tend to escape daily by keeping us busy with work, people, material things. When you enter your soul, you become mindful, conscious, aware and connected to your heart. When Bruce Lee says: “Empty your mind”, he does not literally mean to stop thinking. He means to become mindful and by becoming mindful, we become aware. By becoming aware, we start watching our thoughts and just be observers. So, meditation does not mean to stop thinking. We cannot stop thinking. It is a natural way of our being. It is part of us. Mediation teaches us to watch our thoughts and to stop judging them. So, when people say: “I cannot meditate because everytime I close my eyes, I start thinking about all the stuff. So, I can’t meditate”, it does not mean that they are not able to meditate. Everyone is able to meditate as long as you are able to breathe.  And once you start meditating, you improve day by day until you get to the point where you become one with your breath. That is when you are able to still the mind, to silence the mind – to stop judging yourself and to just let go and observe what the hell is going on in there. And ashtanga yoga is a moving meditation. Every move is an inhalation or exhalation. Every inhalation has the same length as the inhalation. Every movement is significant. It connects you to the earth, to the sun and to yourself. Every drishti (the direction of your gaze in every pose) is significant and determinant for your focus during your practice. Ashtanga – vinyasana yoga: body (movement), mind (breath) and spirit (drishti). Throughout the whole practice you maintain the flow of your breath and you put the bandhas on (please look it up online as i don’t want to get to technical here).

I find it pretty amazing that through the art of breathing you move your body and you get flexible, strong, focused and cleansed.


dying consciously

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While I was reading “Anatomy of the Spirit” I came across a beautiful part of the book – when the author Caroline Myss tells us about her meeting with Sogyal Rinpoche, noted teacher and author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.
Caroline had read that whenever a Tibetan master is asked directly about his “power”, he will always “deflect” any interest in himself, preferring to talk about some other evolved master.

This is the conversation between Caroline and the Tibetan master.

Caroline: ” Is it true that you can levitate?” He laughed hysterically and then said “Oh no, not me. But my master, he could.” Then Caroline asked: “Is it true that because of your meditative practices, you can run at unusually fast speeds?” Again, her question was met with laughter and he responded: ” Oh no, not me. But my master, he could.” His responses matched just what Caroline had read: that a Tibetan master being interviewed deflects any attention from his own power to that of someone else. Finally she said: “I do not have any more questions. Is there anything you would like to tell me?” “I would like to tell you about the way my master came to die”, he said. “He called his astrologers together and told them to cast a chart for him, noting the perfect time for him to withdraw his spirit from the energies of the earth. His spirit was extremely powerful, and he wanted to leave without causing any type of energy consequence. You may not be aware of such things, but when any spirit leaves the earth, the entire energy filed is influenced. And when a very powerful spirit leaves, the influence upon the earth is even more dramatic. So his astrologers came up with a day and time that was the perfect moment for his physical death. He then told his students that on that day, and at that time, he would leave. And that’s just what he did. he meditated with his students on the day, blessed them, and then shut his eyes and released his spirit from his body.”
Caroline asked: ” Did you master choose to die because he was ill?” Again he laughed and said: “Ill? What’s illness got to do with this? Just as we are all born at the perfect moment for our energy to enter this earth, there is a perfect moment for us to leave this earth. My master wasn’t ill. He was complete. We are not meant to die in pain and in disease. The conscious mind is able to release the spirit from the boy without having to endure the pain of physical decay. This choice is available to everyone” (Myss 1996, pp. 250-252).
Poetic Lyric


Myss C. (1996), Anatomy of the Spirit. The seven stages of power and healing, New York: Harmony Books.



our children

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This poem is dedicated to all the children.
We were all born illuminated.
We were all born knowing.
Knowing is not sufficient for parents.
For them, knowing needs to be transmogrified into knowledge – concepts, doctrines, religions, education, morals, rules etc.
Pay attention: This knowledge is selected. It separates. The parents select according to their own schemes and vision of the world. The statement “I am Buddhist” separates you from all the other realities. You are labelling yourself. One label. How poor.For me, there is only one religion – LOVE…The illuminated child starts following what has been imposed to her since she got no other choice but to pursue her parents path. That seem to be her destiny. While following she is naturally losing her “art of knowing”. It gets corrupted. Colonized by man made concepts of salvation. All these concepts are now part of the child.The child, fully immersed into a world scientifically created by the mind, is now starting to struggle between existence – namely who he is and where he came from (love) and the world, society, people. A clash between nature and science happens. While struggling the child is more and more loosing herself. She is distracted by all the other things surrounding her now and gets electrocuted by her parents’ energy which is the result of an accumulation of feelings and emotions which they have collected and installed in their spirit throughout their lives. The child becomes a product of her parents’ past. The child is suffering. The child is experiencing a trauma – a disorder in his consciousness. The child shifts from Homo Illuminus to Homo Sapience. When he becomes a parent, he too will play the same “child-parent’ game her parents played. The “child-parent” role is the illusion of people through which they excuse their “love” for their child. It is a corrupted love. Not pure love. Pure love leaves the child free to be, to discover herself. “We love you and we are only worried. We only want your best.” say the parents. What do they really want? Their child’s best or their best? If they want their child’s best why do they claim they “want”? How can they want something for someone else? Giving guidelines, educating them, giving them a religion – a label, a name, and identity – without even asking her? I feel like being in a factory where the workers put a stamp on each piece of chocolate, for instance, labelling it “milka” while eradicating the wholeness and essence of the CHOCOLATE – the spirit of it. People will not eat chocolate. They will eat Milka. Great! Chocolate becomes secondary. That’s what happens to the child as well. Her spirit becomes secondary if not even last. What becomes visible is the name, religion, nationality, eduction later etc. The child becomes labelled. His spirit disappears. And the fight starts. The fight for the search for a lost self! I define myself a very lucky person. My parents have always left me free. They have given me so much love. Of course parents are parents and they will always be parents. They advice you and their advice is usually based on their own experience. My parents always advised me, but they have never forced me to follow their advice. They have always let me free. They have watched me falling and rising again, with my own hands. In this poem I am not referring to my parents. I am specifically referring to those parents who are usually stuck in their culture and follow a linear way of raising their children – where concepts like “right” and “wrong” define the child’s consciousness. I do not need to tell my child that fire is hot. He will sense it himself – way before touching the fire. He will approach the fire. He will get close to the fire until he feels the heat himself and he will then decide whether to touch it or not. I do not need to tell him in advance that fire is hot. This will rise his curiosity and boost his adrenaline. Once his adrenaline is at the pea and the excitement is so high, there is no space for consciousness. The child will jump into the fire without feeling the heat.
illuminated child

These are tears of bleeding eyes
joyous eyes
friendly eyes.
These are tears of an illuminated child.

Illuminated child!
“Born homo sapience without any licence”.
Illuminated Child!
Homo Illuminus.
Living in a cottage,
Got no knowledge.
Illuminated child!
Unprotected and unaffected
Soon affected and not protected.
Illuminated child – knows.
They claim her protection for their own satisfaction.
Injection of their impure “love action”
is the detection.
Illuminated child is not seeking any protection
without any election!

Illumination is her own creation
disturbed by foreign penetration
which they call a sacrifice.
Illuminated child – knows.
She does not want any wicked advise.
Especially without them specialize.
Illuminated child – understands
they have become blind
she can help them find
their light, lost in vain – not impossible to gain.

Illuminated child – invites
to be “labelness” and accept our craziness.
Illuminated child
is the healing energy
of all the synergy.
Illuminated child
creates vibrational melody
while on her odyssey.

Illuminated child
uses her small innocent foot and
leaves the wood when she feels “no good”.
Illuminated child laughs!
Illuminated child rebels against their decisions
product of their own ambitions,
anchored in ancient traditions – ready for any exhibition!
They got no right to possess, repress, access!
Their initiation is just the foundation
not their path towards their liberation of post coma frustration.

Illuminated child
feels the sorrow
of those who borrow
a life or a path which is easy to follow.
Illuminated child
came with her own beautiful energy.
She knows.
She flows
beautifully like a rose.
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
No one but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley

Poetic Lyric

poetic eating

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After having had a delicious dinner by candlelight I thought I’d post some beautiful lines by Deanna M. Minich from the book I am currently reading entitled “Chakra Foods for Optimum Health”.

Every day of my life is special.
Dedication and passion are the spices of my days.
Those are the spices I flavour my food every day.

I came home after I had practised yoga and meditated. After I had a shower I fully dedicated myself to the beautiful moment of creation: my dinner.
I lightened up candles and incense all over the house.
The atmosphere was PERFECT.
I started interacting with all the colourful veggies and slowly created a beautiful salad with lots of nuts and LOVE. I was moving so slowly and touching every ingredient with my hands. I smelled everything and appreciated it so much. Each veggie was talking to me and expressing her love. It felt so nice and peaceful.
I was really in a moving meditation. Of course, background noise such as TV or radio are simply out of my life and energy field, because they disrupt the whole energy and vibrational frequency of the moment.
When I finished preparing my salad I set the table beautifully and had dinner by candlelight.
I felt filled with love and my immense presence.

Giving yourself love is not something that needs to be programmed. I mean, you do not just tell yourself ” I need to take care of myself” because that’s just a programme you have chosen to impose upon you. It’s set in your mind and not in your heart.
The love I am talking about is natural, spontaneous, inside your soul and alive.
It is infinite energy. Immortal.
Spending time and communicating with the food that is going to nourish you is fundamental in your diet and for your life.
It’s like making love to the food you are eating.
YES, you can be intimate with food too.:) It’s all about love.
Please do not take my last comment literal:)

Here is the extract which I mentioned earlier….
The author calls it “mindful eating exercise” while I call it poetic eating which is a natural and spontaneous way of relating to food for those who love themselves.D

“Hold in your hands a raisin.Close your eyes and feel its texture. Feel the power locked within its wrinkled structure. The goodness of the sun’s rays embedded into every ridge. Now open your eyes and look at it carefully not in a mode of observation, but with a loving gaze held by eyes of understanding. See the poetry in this dynamic raisin. Think back to when it was a supple grape and now how fragile it has become. How has it travelled to you and where has it travelled from? How did it connect to the larger whole of the plant it was a part of? Feel the interconnectedness it embodies and take this in through your eyes. Now put it in your mouth and before starting to chew, feel the sensation on your tongue. Does it impart any sweetness right away? What are the messages it unlocks with every bite? What does it tell you? See how many times you can chew the single raisin, being mindful of each bite. Before swallowing, think of something you want more of in your life, like “balance” and infuse the energy of “balance” into the dissolved matrix of raisin. Swallow and imagine taking in all the nutritional and spiritual goodness of the raisin, including its origins, and use it as a bridge to connect you with all of creation.”


Deanna M. Minich (2009), Chakra Foods for Optimum Health, Conari Press, San Francisco (p.109-110).

Poetic Lyric



ordinary days are special

a motion of emotions

For me there is one principle I base my life on: live every moment as if it is your last one. If today is your last day, would you die peacefully? Make every day in your life special. Add colours to it. Go with your feelings and never regret anything. Make a difference in another person’s life with a simple and loving gesture. This is one of the most beautiful surprises ever received in my life. It made my day! Guys, you can copy this idea if you want to surprise your wife:)

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It was a sunny day. The colours of the flowers surrounding me where all synchronized and emanating an indescribable perfume. The water of the fountain was crystal clear. The sound of it amalgamated with the gentle breeze which was pervading the entire atmosphere in the park.
As I was sitting in the park contemplating the beauty of nature I felt a few drops of water from the fountain caressing my face. I closed my eyes. I wanted to feel that moment of total tranquillity and complete silence.
I could hear the soul of every being vibrating: the flowers, the water, the leaves, the trees, the birds, the wind, the grass…everything was breathing. Everything was vibrating. Everything was in motion. Yet, everything was still. Calm. Tranquil. Just there. As I was contemplating all this beauty pervading me, I visualized a guy holding a flower and moving towards me.
I opened my eyes and slightly turned around, when I saw a guy coming towards me. He was holding a purple flower, a pastel-sweetpea flower. I could not believe it. So, I widened my eyes to make sure I was awake and had a better look. I focused on the situation and it was real. The guy stopped in front of me, smiled and while giving me the flower said: ” This is for you”. I was so taken and touched that I was speechless. I just said “Thank you” as if both of us knew we would have met. There was this communal understanding. It was an indescribable feeling. I was holding the flower and he kept walking away from me. I was still following him with my eyes, gazing at him and watching him disappear slowly. As I tuned around, I saw another guy walking towards me. He was also holding a flower. This time it was a sunflower. He came towards me, looked into my eyes, smiled and gave me the flower. I loved the moment. It was so magical and I did not want it to stop. At that point it was like an ongoing motion of people, both girls and guys, coming and going after having given me their flower. All the people were differently beautiful. They had an amazing energy and a beautiful smile. And they were all holding a different kind of flower.
By the time I was holding my tenth flower I was completely immersed in the moment and felt like this is what life is all about. It was a moment filled with happiness and joy. A moment of motion. The motion of emotion.
It was like a river. Every flower was different, every smile was different, every feeling was different. Yet, it was one unique feeling, one unique flower, one unique smile: LOVE! Alchemy.
As I was contemplating my flowers my friend surprised me from behind, holding the eleventh flower.
He gave it to me and kissed me on my cheek.
It was a white lily flower, the same flower my mum was given on the day I was born.

I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
He made my day. He made my heart beat so loud. It was so magical.
After receiving the eleventh flower, I turned around and saw all those beautiful people watching us and clapping hands.
After a while I asked him how he had organized this beautiful surprise.
He got ten creative people together. Some of them were taking random pictures, others were travellers some of who hardly spoke any English, and others were just sitting on the grass. They were all different people who did not know each other and this was the beauty of it.
They all got involved in what my friend wanted them to do.
They were so excited and asked him if it was a special occasion. He said:” What makes the occasion special is the fact that it is not a special occasion. It is an ordinary day. I just want to express my love to her. Every moment is special because we make it special.”
Life is full of beautiful moments. Every moment is so special and gotta be felt and lived fully.
Express your emotions and feelings today. Express your feelings with your heart, from your heart and just with your heart and make this art of expression an eternal moment.

Express your feelings to all the people you love, not just your husband or wife. Express it to your children, parents, friends and fill their lives with joy and laughter.

Poetic Lyric

twin flames in poetry

These lyrics tell the story of two twin flames who met and live in poetry. They kiss and play melody and fill the world with poetry. Blood is in the air and love is all they care.


When your green eyes penetrated my soul
and your smile walked me to the sky
is when I knew I had arrived in paradise.

When you were close to me for the first time
and the smell of your skin pervaded my senses
is when we moved into a melody…down to the periphery.

When your hand stroke my hand
and you said to me:”Let’s go to the beach and just be”
is when I felt the blueness of the sea.

When I first stepped inside…
I saw you sitting there playing your guitar…
is when I realized I knew you – that ain’t bizarre.

Your heart and soul felt not new…
And I knew I was in love with you.

When you invited me to sit by your side
gently penetrating my soul
is when I followed the endless stream
which took me to an infinite dream.

I was pulled by the wind and the water
…I felt your lips
and we kissed
and lived in poetry.



the strength of a rose


I wrote these lyrics during a special moment of my life. It was a really challenging period. Karma. Karma. Karma. It was time to learn a huge lesson. I had two choices: stay and learn or escape. I decided to stay and the lesson was tough. Today I realise that that life lesson was fundamental. I had to go through it. Without it, I would not be the strong rose I am today. At times, we think that God is putting us in a difficult situation. In reality, God’s intention is to learn another piece of ourselves through that experience. It is not a kick in our ass. It is a gift from God and we need to have faith and be strong and carry on our path with love and peace. God puts us in challenging but achievable situations. God never wants to put us down.
During that day I was about to write a river of words. I went crazy. I just wanted to express my pain and frustration. I started writing writing writing and I realized that my words were all over the place…in the end I decided to express it in a poem. These lyrics liberated me from my pain and made me strong like a rose.
I have the strength of a rose
to make you hear my voice
to make you feel my heart
to make you stroke my soul
to see through the wind.

I have the strength of a rose
to calm you down
to find peace inside of me.

When I walk I feel pain.
Then I tune in and I see peace.
When I move I feel fear.
Then I look inside and I see colours.
When I observe reality I hear noise.
Then I step inside my soul and I feel like dancing to the music.

I am just a girl
who likes chocolate and who smiles at you
any time.
I am a girl with a frozen heart.
A girl who has the strength of a rose to make the ice inside melt
through the power and warmth of her soul.
