
I feel that I am at a point in my life where the feeling of connecting to nature and reality is so strong, that everything that fills up my days here in the West, just seems so awkward and fake to me. This man-built society is false. It is a construction of the mind. And we are serving it emotionally and physically. The planet is suffering because man dismantled reality. Nature is suffering because it cannot express herself freely anymore as it is being controlled by a powerful and rational system.

My journey has been intense. Deep. Sacred. I loved everything about my spiritual path…and I am still loving everything.

I decided to write a post about my strong desire to go to the jungle and live with medicine people! Yes, MEDICINE PEOPLE!!! They live in the jungle, where there is nothing but nature, where NOTHING ELSE BUT NATURE RULES LIFE! Here, we have got doctors who are insane and disturbed beings who are far away from being human, and far way from BEING! They are suffering. My question is: How can people who are in a state of pain heal?

But, that is not even the point of this post whose title is Jungle.

The point is that those jungle people who we call medicine people are simple human beings who are living humanly their state of being. The are connected – like newborns. They live in synch with the universe!!! 

Hence, the point is that I feel like there is no more point to live here anymore. It all seems so distant and contorted to me. It does not feel home to me. I feel like I am a stranger here. The way I am raising my kids all leads back to the roots of the Jungle. And I am really finding it so hard to just breathe here.

If I was to take my family and walk away JUST LIKE THAT, without anything, leaving everything tangible and material behind…I mean, if I am ready to do this…then the next question would be: Am I also ready to step into the wild and live according to nature??? Yes, I am!

I am ready for the jungle! I am ready for LIFE AS IT IS. I am ready to live as if I was only born the moment I step into the wild…I want to learn everything again.

This is how I feel today!

No need to homeschool. No need for so much efford to keep the continuum concept alive. No need to unlearn. Why so much hassle, when there is an easy way to just BE IT?

In the jungle!

I would love to connect to people, like Sarah Begum, to find out more about their experiences in the jungle. Internet is such a powerful tool to use to find information about other worlds.

So, YOU, yes YOu out there..please get in touch!

I am ready!

the power of homeschooling

A homeschooled human being who expresses the power of learning through unschooling! The topic ‘homeschooling’ is still tabu in most modern and civilized societies where it is thought that learning occurs at school. Before we express our inclinations versus or against homeschooling, we need to ask the questions ‘what is learning?’ and ‘how does it happen?’ One of the reasons why my husband and I decided to homeschool our kids is because we believe that kids need to FEEL FREE. Schools do not offer freedom. Hence, we need to ask ourselves whether what they call ‘learning’ connotes learning or whether it puts kids into a box according to which their minds get shaped and their creativity annulled. This video puts it into simple words and I thought I would share it as it gives the whole picture of what homeschooling actualy is: learning to learn and a constant search for the truth, or in other words learning from the soul, expanding meaning and connecting to your inner knowledge and spirit.Kids who are homeschooled become creators of meaning. They change the world. Their learning space is not the classroo. It is the whole world with its energy, trees,greens, mountains, animals, seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, flowers, colours,…