sacred woman

It has been a while since I created this blog. Life has become more fascinating, mystical, intense and vibrant in the last 4 years. Today I am a mum of two. My journey as a mother has put me more in touch with the femminine me and sacred sphere of my entire energy.


rooting woman

Allow me to introduce myself from a different dimension…

I am the woman I am today thanks to Muhammad Ali who has taught me to fly like a butterfly; Bruce Lee who has taught me to be like water; Lauren Hill who has taught me to be real; Malcolm X who has taught me to stand up for who I am; Michael Jackson who has taught me how to go to the moon and come back with every breath I take; Bob Marley who has taught me to just BE free; the father of my children who has taught me to say what I mean, to have faith and to let go of things I cannot control; ashtanga yoga which has taught/ is teaching me more about myself – why I am here and my mission on this planet, and my kids who are teaching me about life and all its colors. I feel infinite gratitude. Everything I have accomplished is thanks to you!

This blog is about LIFE. So, if I go from being an activist to being pure spirit is because EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

My posts from now will be taking a quite diverse nature from the previous ones. The main purpose is to CONNECT TO YOU through the power of words and to awaken that hidden part of you that is calling FREEDOM! And…because SPIRIT IS CALLING, we need to go BACK TO THE ROOTS: to the very moment our soul is being sent to our mother’s womb – to what happens on the way, during and after transitting into this world.

If only we knew…then this world would be a space where peace and love would dominate. Most posts will refer to the continuum concept by Jean Liedloff, the only way through which humanity can recuperate its lost happiness.

Children are our guidance towards liberation. They heal through their innate wisdom and their pure and powerful way of loving and forgiving.

I thank God every day for having given me the opportunity to be a mum today. It is through their eyes that I am able to FEEL the strength of the water, the heat of the fire and the moist of the earth, and it is through their breath that I can hear the melody of the wind.

I am originally from Sicily, and I have relocated to my motherland after having lived and worked in diverse countries one of which is New Zealand – the land where I will return one day soon. One of my purposes is to spread Jean Liedloff’s message here in Italy, where I feel that humanity has gone wrong. Hence, I have created a facebook page in Italian where I pubblish information inheritent to the continuum concept with the aim that it will raise awareness. One of the main reasons I am currently inhabiting this space physically is because I feel that the village (where I was born) and nature are the best environment to raise little ones who are being homeschooled.

I hope you will enjoy my work in this blog and feel enriched everytime you read about my experiences and inspirations:)