children – who are they?

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. ” -Khalil Gibran ‘The Prophet’

our children

photo (9)

This poem is dedicated to all the children.
We were all born illuminated.
We were all born knowing.
Knowing is not sufficient for parents.
For them, knowing needs to be transmogrified into knowledge – concepts, doctrines, religions, education, morals, rules etc.
Pay attention: This knowledge is selected. It separates. The parents select according to their own schemes and vision of the world. The statement “I am Buddhist” separates you from all the other realities. You are labelling yourself. One label. How poor.For me, there is only one religion – LOVE…The illuminated child starts following what has been imposed to her since she got no other choice but to pursue her parents path. That seem to be her destiny. While following she is naturally losing her “art of knowing”. It gets corrupted. Colonized by man made concepts of salvation. All these concepts are now part of the child.The child, fully immersed into a world scientifically created by the mind, is now starting to struggle between existence – namely who he is and where he came from (love) and the world, society, people. A clash between nature and science happens. While struggling the child is more and more loosing herself. She is distracted by all the other things surrounding her now and gets electrocuted by her parents’ energy which is the result of an accumulation of feelings and emotions which they have collected and installed in their spirit throughout their lives. The child becomes a product of her parents’ past. The child is suffering. The child is experiencing a trauma – a disorder in his consciousness. The child shifts from Homo Illuminus to Homo Sapience. When he becomes a parent, he too will play the same “child-parent’ game her parents played. The “child-parent” role is the illusion of people through which they excuse their “love” for their child. It is a corrupted love. Not pure love. Pure love leaves the child free to be, to discover herself. “We love you and we are only worried. We only want your best.” say the parents. What do they really want? Their child’s best or their best? If they want their child’s best why do they claim they “want”? How can they want something for someone else? Giving guidelines, educating them, giving them a religion – a label, a name, and identity – without even asking her? I feel like being in a factory where the workers put a stamp on each piece of chocolate, for instance, labelling it “milka” while eradicating the wholeness and essence of the CHOCOLATE – the spirit of it. People will not eat chocolate. They will eat Milka. Great! Chocolate becomes secondary. That’s what happens to the child as well. Her spirit becomes secondary if not even last. What becomes visible is the name, religion, nationality, eduction later etc. The child becomes labelled. His spirit disappears. And the fight starts. The fight for the search for a lost self! I define myself a very lucky person. My parents have always left me free. They have given me so much love. Of course parents are parents and they will always be parents. They advice you and their advice is usually based on their own experience. My parents always advised me, but they have never forced me to follow their advice. They have always let me free. They have watched me falling and rising again, with my own hands. In this poem I am not referring to my parents. I am specifically referring to those parents who are usually stuck in their culture and follow a linear way of raising their children – where concepts like “right” and “wrong” define the child’s consciousness. I do not need to tell my child that fire is hot. He will sense it himself – way before touching the fire. He will approach the fire. He will get close to the fire until he feels the heat himself and he will then decide whether to touch it or not. I do not need to tell him in advance that fire is hot. This will rise his curiosity and boost his adrenaline. Once his adrenaline is at the pea and the excitement is so high, there is no space for consciousness. The child will jump into the fire without feeling the heat.
illuminated child

These are tears of bleeding eyes
joyous eyes
friendly eyes.
These are tears of an illuminated child.

Illuminated child!
“Born homo sapience without any licence”.
Illuminated Child!
Homo Illuminus.
Living in a cottage,
Got no knowledge.
Illuminated child!
Unprotected and unaffected
Soon affected and not protected.
Illuminated child – knows.
They claim her protection for their own satisfaction.
Injection of their impure “love action”
is the detection.
Illuminated child is not seeking any protection
without any election!

Illumination is her own creation
disturbed by foreign penetration
which they call a sacrifice.
Illuminated child – knows.
She does not want any wicked advise.
Especially without them specialize.
Illuminated child – understands
they have become blind
she can help them find
their light, lost in vain – not impossible to gain.

Illuminated child – invites
to be “labelness” and accept our craziness.
Illuminated child
is the healing energy
of all the synergy.
Illuminated child
creates vibrational melody
while on her odyssey.

Illuminated child
uses her small innocent foot and
leaves the wood when she feels “no good”.
Illuminated child laughs!
Illuminated child rebels against their decisions
product of their own ambitions,
anchored in ancient traditions – ready for any exhibition!
They got no right to possess, repress, access!
Their initiation is just the foundation
not their path towards their liberation of post coma frustration.

Illuminated child
feels the sorrow
of those who borrow
a life or a path which is easy to follow.
Illuminated child
came with her own beautiful energy.
She knows.
She flows
beautifully like a rose.
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
No one but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley

Poetic Lyric