gotta be real

Listen to what she is saying. She is saying what she’s got to say.
More than that, she is impressively REAL.

That’s what life is all about.
Be real. Be natural.
Lauren forgets the lyrics – that’s natural.
That’s the vibration I am talkin’ about. Amazing energy.
Healing energy!
The moment you feel – is the moment you say it. And you say it the way you feel it.

All those people who learn speeches by heart or try to use words to impress, are not impressive and do not touch my heart…cuz’ their words don’t come from their soul. They are mind words, decorative words. And when you are natural and spontaneous anything can happen: you may forget your lyrics if you are rapping, you may pause if you are giving a speech, you may cry because you get emotional, you may laugh because in that particular moment someone from the audience is makin’ you laugh….anything can happen.

To live in the moment is the treasure of life. It is vibrational – your heart is beating’ loud and you’re emotional because you are in a constant unknown moment. You are feeling the moment. I am getting goosebumps while I am puttin’ these words down. Walking into the unknown gives me ecstasy, makes me street smart, alert, alive, conscious:) It is the highest level of consciousness. That is when you are connected to God and everything just flows…

Poetic Lyric